Tuesday, March 1, 2011

wearing panniers- sustenance

(yellowstone national park, wyoming,usa 2005)

wearing panniers:
last week i was reading a great book "Merle's Door: lessons from a freethinking dog" by Ted Kerasota.
one story is about the first time his dog wore panniers on a hiking trip. it got me thinking... struck me.. that we might have a similar experience as humans with situations in our own life. whether it be grief, or a challenge, and new thing or change of any kind... and it left me chuckling at Merle the dog, and of course myself! that we often feel the new "weight" of something is too much for us, to even be able to stand up, and then we may find with delighted surprise, that indeed we can actually carry this new thing easily, and that, just like how panniers carry food and support gear for us- perhaps we may realize that our "panniers" are not burdens at all, but carrying our new and necessary tools with us, or lessons. not to burden us. but that we are quite capable of walking our walk and providing sustenance and tools for our journey along the way. we are connected to the WHOLE, but within the whole, we do have our own individual walk to walk. and it is a strength that rises up from within us, and maybe, just maybe, its not always as hard as it seems.
here is the story ( slightly trimmed down for quicker internet reading) :
" i told you i am rooted to the earth"....i gently tugged him to follow. Uncertaintly his butt came off the ground and he began to walk. And what a walk it was!..... He took a few faltering steps, apprearing as though he might collapse under the weight of the panniers. Then after a few moments, he discovered that panniers weren't a crushing weight after all......Turning he gave me a several woofs of incredulity" " i can walk, i can walk!".... He grasped that the weight of the panniers had been in his head. his self effacing grin was a marvel to behold......"

                               (photo taken from a hot air balloon over san diego, ca, usa 2007)

May we all  find that the weight of our personal panniers is not a crushing weight, but a delight to carry and that they provide us with much sustenance on our walk or flight through life  : )


a : means of support, maintenance, or subsistence : livingb : foodprovisionsalso : nourishment
a : the act of sustaining : the state of being sustainedb : a supplying or being supplied with the necessaries of life
: something that gives support, endurance, or strength

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