Saturday, May 7, 2011

a living dog: part 2: we meet

a girl named jane just turned 25 and decided it was time to get a dog of her very own.
fortunately, mister hunter, the dog, had just been born several months earlier, and was waiting for such an opportunity to find a human of his very own.
on a bright sunny day they met, handsome hunter dashed from the car fast as lightning into jane's welcoming arms--  love at first sight!
"finally, i found you!" he declared.
they spent the weekend investigating being together.
she cooked, hunter watched, not because of the food (well, maybe a little) , but because he liked to see this human using her hands, moving about. what a curious creature she was! and what a treat to get a bit of cheese here and there.mmmmmm.
Hooray! a yard! and dirt to dig in- joyfully throwing deep brown dirt about.. then comes the voice- "nonono!" and into the shower... forlorn face... but "boy was it worth it!"
They go for a romp in the woods.. and hunter the dog went tearing off after something... jane sat concerned that she had lost the dog of her very own that she just found... but as dusk fell, hunter followed the river and her smell and found her. this would be one of many times he ran away free as a bird enjoying the speed of his legs and nature.. and he always came back : )
he peers over the edge of the tall bed, "can i come up there?" and the answer was yes- and thus began 9+ years of naps and nighttime sleep shared together, countless joyful holes dug in the earth, over 10,000 miles of running, hiking and walking together and uncountable hours of watching this human make and create.
Instant and inseperable friends, the very best of friends, delighting in eachother.

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