Thursday, June 16, 2011

dance of life force

yoga means many things.. but today my dream spoke to me of it meaning two things:

1. breath (that's an easy one)  2. the other was "dance of life force".

not movement of life force or strengthening of life force- but dance of life force.
( side note- great book: mysteries of the life force)

what in your life has the "dance of life force"? or brings your attention to the "dance of life force" within you? outside of your physical form?

 i imagine whole lists of activities & experiences- bring about in you a 
"leaping and jumping of the soul and physical being that you are"  :  ) 
"a powerful state that corresponds to some part of you moving nimbly in excitement."

a few segments below defining these three words- dance/life/force.
since this blog is about "the one we are"- am curious how these three words are defined in other languages- for now, we'll stick with english and of course- your personal language of defining :)

dance:–verb (used without object)

to move one's feet or body, or both, rhythmically in apattern of steps, especially to the accompaniment of music.
to leap, skip, etc., as from excitement or emotion; move nimbly or quickly: to dance with joy.
to bob up and down: The toy sailboats danced on the pond.

life:a corresponding state, existence, or principle of existence conceived of as belonging to the soul:

force:physical power or strength possessed by a living being: Heused all his force in opening the window.

strength or power exerted upon an object; physical coercion;violence: to use force to open the window; to use force on aperson.
strength; energypower; intensity: a personality of greatforce.
power to influence, affect, or control; efficacious power: theforce of circumstances;

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