Monday, March 28, 2011

a living dog: part one :intro

Dogs are magical, friendly, loving, joyous, delighted, excited and beyond. They are our friends from the natural world, who choose us.. choose to spend their life with me, with you... and our history goes back so far, we can only ponder at the roots of it. I am guessing our relationship with canines goes back as far as our relationship with ourselves and the earth. oh, how this opens up a can of worms.. but well.. you can read about some ponderings of this history in the wonderful book "A Small Furry Prayer" by Steven Kotler, or watch it in the documentary "The Secret History of Dogs", or this one from Nova "Dogs Decoded".
ok, so we, a LOT of us, know what it feels like to outlive our furry best friends, but it hurts so deeply and uniquely because of the unique life & love we shared.

since hunter died i have been oddly comforted by reading and hearing about other dogs lives and deaths.  i want to cry for them, for no matter the uniquiness of the dog, we all walk in eachothers shoes. we KNOW what it means to love and be loved in this very unique way. And i feel less alone, less abandoned, when i feel connected to these other dogs and human companions.

But, i don't want to make other humans hearts weep in a concert of mutual understanding and loss - instead  i am going to tell stories of hunter as a living dog, the life we shared, my life with him.

Hopefully bringing a joyous-live-thumping of the human heart in a concert of mutual understanding and love, even if you are not a dog lover, maybe you will delight in stories about my best friend.

stay tuned for a series of posts titled "a living dog"
he sniffs the air-2006

1 comment:

  1. What sweet and wonderful sentiments. Hunter was a beauty and obviously a very special creature. This blog will provide a healing component for your grief. I am looking forward to reading about the life and adventures of Hunter and Jane!
