Tuesday, March 22, 2011

miracle- marvel- awe

Hunter Loved the Snow- 2/2010 nm/usa

" There are two ways to live your life - one is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is " ...Albert einstein                      

Tonight as i began my yoga practice, i asked life for more miracles in my daily experience  and then quickly realized, they are already there, and i know that sometimes.. but needed to be reminded :  )

My daily life is FULL of them. the more i am aware of the moment, the more i notice them.

I DREAM, inside my mind i experience all kinds of wonder, delight, sensations, emotions, imagery, and environments- a miracle going on in my sleep time world ever night.
I wake up, and low and behold, there are three creatures i live with, two furry, one not as furry ( i call him husband)- and they are breathing! moving, and they have relationship and memory with me, and i with them.  They are beautiful , and unique and i MARVEL at them.
I walk outside, there are stars, or dawn light, breezes, birds singing ( more creatures!), trees, plants... MOUNTAINS!
I turn the kettle on , and the water boils- a dance of elements and heat- and heck, if you asked me to invent something like boiling, i wouldn't have the slightest idea how to do that- i dub boiling water a miracle too : )
I'm still working on these simple things, don't get me started on how my mind is blown when i see my niece.. i can barely understand how she is here now, and not so long ago, she was not?... and it is just absolutely, completely, AMAZING!

and there is the one that is my miracle as of late.. i planted seeds... and they are SPROUTING! Of course i have grown things for years and years, and it gets me every time. all i did was put them in some soil and give them water and sun... and wow! there they are- pushing their way up through the soil..little plant beings..on  missions to become what they are meant to be become. but its not even like that, that's what i think with my human mind- really- they are just being! just being on each step of the clear path they are on, just becoming. (maybe their is torment in the "mind of the plant"- "should i grow to the left, to the right? 2 pods, or 3?" but i highly doubt that is what goes on)
and in a way i envy the simplicity of their mission.... my beet plant is not going to try to become a raspberry bush.. it will just become what it is meant to be..a beet from a beet seed, to a beet sprout, to a beet plant and i will help it and watch it in delight of the miracle of LIFE.

May you delight in the multitude of miracles that shower your moments and may you grow like a plant, calmly being the thing that you are, nurtured by the water, the sun, the earth and the love that surounds you.

an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world thatsurpasses all known human or natural powers and isascribed to a supernatural cause.
such an effect or event manifesting or considered as a workof god.
a wonder; marvel.
a wonderful or surpassing example of some quality:

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