Sunday, February 13, 2011

unity- yoga- the song of life

all the time, (24/7)in the world there are people doing yoga. in class, at home.. even doing yoga when they don't know it. watch cats, dogs, kids- they do yoga all the time. it is innate in us to move in these ways.
also happening at any time are people praying, dancing , singing, creating, running, hugging, kissing, hiking, cooking, working with the earth, sleeping, crying, dreaming, bathing...  what a joyous comfort it is to know that somewhere in the world on planet earth ( and maybe other places in the universe, for it is the nature of life to be patterned, to repeat)  these activities at any given moment are happening.
 yoga means unity.. and truly we are united through our activities of: joy, simplicity, celebration, emotion:  all these things of being human, all the time. we are united with in them. can you feel it? can you feel yourself as a part of the song of activity? the song of humanity? the song of life?

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