Thursday, February 10, 2011

wine! vino! cheers!

ahhh the sound of the cork leaving the bottle :)
that subtle urge for a sip while cooking....
celebration- alone or together
pinot noir- beaujolais- champagne
(that was on my birthday when i turned 33, hunter preferred meat to champagne!)
i enjoy any activity which connects me to the deep human history- drinking wine is one of these activities. and i like to think about how most cultures found a way to make an alcohol drink. Apparently even the inuits made a drink like this, called seagull wine. But mostly i like to think of how we are made of the stuff of stars ( my yoga teacher reminded me of this) and so is everything, and the wine of course. so what does that look like? being the stuff of stars drinking the stuff of stars?
but as for the words about wine itself - i will  guide you to read the column "one bottle". i read it in the local magazine THE, which is also worth poking through. seems suitable for the blog of the "one we are" to guide you to "one bottle" enojoy his elequant and interesting writing about wine ( the feb 2011 one is a particular version of good) he explores another way of talking about wines, instead of describing them as the smells and flavors of food...  for example i might describe drinking champagne as having a blond curly haired nymph dancing around my house in celebrations :) big grin. now you know why i like to drink champagne....

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